Organisational impact map for health technology assessment
In this methodology guide, the HAS has sought to clarify the aspects associated with the organisational impacts of health technologies by drawing up a map aimed at both defining these impacts and proposing criteria to measure their effects or justify them.
The organisational impacts created by a health technology can have a structural role in multiple aspects of the healthcare system and affect different actors: patient, carer, healthcare professional, healthcare facility, service provider, etc.
They are frequently claimed or mentioned in the context of the assessment of a medicinal product, medical devices, or diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; they also represent one of the eligibility criteria for economic assessment. However, this aspect of assessment is still rarely documented.
A map to structure the assessment of the organisational impacts of a health technology
Firstly, the map specifies the context of the health technology under assessment with reference to whether a conventional care solution is available or not.
It also helps structure how the organisational impacts of a health technology may be identified according to the different actors concerned with a classification based around three macrocriteria:
- macrocriterion 1: impacts with a direct effect on the components of the care process;
- macrocriterion 2: impacts with an effect on the skills and capabilities required of the actors involved to implement the care process;
- macrocriterion 3: impacts on the general population.
For each macrocriterion:
- choice of criteria corresponding to the most relevant organisational impacts according to the actors concerned;
- proposal of indicators to describe each criterion selected and identify the data to be provided;
- examples of health technologies to help the user understand the scope of the impact studied and its characteristics.
The map does not indicate how the organisational impacts of a health technology will be taken into account in each HAS committee (CNEDiMTS, CEESP, CT) and by the HAS Board.