Neurodevelopmental disorders Detection and referral of at-risk children
Practice guidelines -
Posted on
Mar 17 2020
- Updated on
Mar 19 2020
The aims of this guideline are to:
- harmonise detection and referral practices in children with a neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) in an at-risk population from birth to 7 years of age (7 years and 11 months) within formalised paediatric care networks and by primary healthcare professionals in conjunction with them;
- optimise the pathway of the child and his/her family, from identification of warning signs of NDD through to referral for early intervention and/or to a second-line diagnostic and management team.
NDDs1 begin during the development period and include:
- intellectual disabilities (intellectual development disorder);
- communication disorders;
- autism spectrum disorder;
- specific learning disorder (reading, written expression and dyscalculia);
- motor disorders (developmental coordination disorder, stereotypies, tics);
- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);
- other NDDs, specified (for example, NDD associated with prenatal alcohol exposure), or otherwise.
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- Troubles du neurodéveloppement Repérage et orientation des enfants à risque - Recommandations
- Troubles du neurodéveloppement Repérage et orientation des enfants à risque - Argumentaire