Detection of high-risk human papilloma virus (HPV) RNA as part of primary prevention of cervical cancer - INAHTA Brief
Health technology assessment -
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Dec 17 2021
The Directorate-General for Health has asked HAS to determine whether HPV RNA can be detected in the same way as HPV DNA, as part of primary screening of precancerous conditions of the cervix, in women age 30 to 65.
Three assessment subjects were selected to answer to this request:
- Subject 1: Is the diagnostic validity of the RNA HPV test different from the diagnostic validity of the DNA HPV test approved for the detection of precancerous conditions of the cervix as part of primary screening?
- Subject 2: What is the long-term performance of the RNA HPV test compared to that of the DNA HPV test?
- Subject 3: Is the diagnostic validity of an RNA HPV test on a self sample (SPV) equivalent to the RNA HPV test on a cervical sample collected by a professional (i.e. physician-collected)?
- Détection de l’ARN des papillomavirus humain (HPV) à haut risque dans le cadre du dépistage primaire du cancer du col utérin - Rapport d'évaluation technologique
- Détection de l’ARN des papillomavirus humain (HPV) à haut risque dans le cadre du dépistage primaire du cancer du col utérin - Annexes au rapport d'évaluation technologique
English version
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