French National Team-Training Hospital Programme (Pacte) : results from the Pilot Phase Assessment
Like many countries, the French healthcare system is faced with patient safety challenges such as an aging and fragile population, fast-paced innovation, and greater specialization of health professionals. Together, these factors increase the risk for fragmentation of care. Inspiring greater teamwork through improved communication and cooperation between health professionals – either in inpatient or outpatient care – is viewed as key in addressing this problem.
While there have been a great number of interventions to improve team communication and cooperation, few have been developed on a national level. The objective of the French National Authority for Health (HAS) was to offer this type of programme to all hospital teams in France. This programme was designed as a ready-to-use toolbox, called Pacte (for Continuous Team Work Improvement Programme), which we launched in late 2013.
A pilot phase took place from 2015 to 2017 with 50 volunteer teams. The results of the pilot phase assessment were presented in a report (only in French) and a poster (in English).
- Rapport final de l'expérimentation Pacte – janvier 2018
- Les éléments clés de l'expérimentation Pacte - Synthèse – janvier 2018
- Cahier des charges de l'expérimentation_Pacte
- Liste des équipes_Binômes et falicitateurs_Pacte
- Revue bibliographique_Pacte
- Rapport intermédiaire expérimentation Pacte
- French National Team-Training Hospital Programme (Poster in English)
Additional documents
- equipe SAMU CH Rene Dubos Pontoise - rapport final pacte
- equipe CHU Nice - rapport final pacte
- equipe rea La Casamance Aubagne - rapport final pacte
- equipe SRR Mar Vivo La SeyneMer - rapport final pacte
- equipe oncologique Instit Bergonie Bordeaux - rapport final pacte
- equipe pneumo hospices Lyon - rapport final pacte
- equipe med interne CH Cornouaille Quimper - rapport final pacte
- equipe oncologie Ouest Nantes - rapport final pacte
- equipe rea CHU Angers - rapport final pacte
- equipe psy Clinique Ker-Yonnec - rapport final pacte
- equipe HAD Croix Saint-Simon - rapport final pacte
- equipe dialyse Instit mut Montsouris - rapport final pacte
- equipe SSR CH Laon - rapport final pacte
- equipe chir HP Villeneuve dAscq - rapport final pacte
- equipe chir Clinique Cedres Cornebarrieu - rapport final pacte
- equipe med physique H Victor Dupouy - rapport final pacte