Reason for request

Inclusion on the list of medicines reimbursed by National Health Insurance and approved for hospital and various public services use.


Clinical Benefit


The actual benefit for other patients who do not meet these criteria for receiving this treatment is insufficient.


The opinion’s Committee is of the actual benefit provided by STELARA 45 mg solution for injection is substantial in adult patients suffering from serious chronic plaque psoriasis who have failed at least two systemic treatments, including phototherapy, methotrexate and ciclosporin (i.e. have not responded or cannot receive these treatments because of contraindication or intolerance).

Clinical Added Value


STELARA 45 mg provides a minor improvement in actual benefit (IAB IV) in terms of efficacy compared to ENBREL among patients suffering from serious chronic plaque psoriasis who have failed at least two systemic treatments from among phototherapy, methotrexate and ciclosporin.

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