A national PSI 12 in orthopaedic surgery: validity three years after in-hospital release and perspectives for further use

Article HAS - Mis en ligne le 04 nov. 2019 - Mis à jour le 11 mars 2021

Improving care quality, patient safety and outcomes in total hip (THA) and total knee (TKA) arthroplasty: a shared objective between healthcare organisations (HCOs), healthcare professionals and patients. Patient safety indicator (PSIs) are measured in many countries.

Since December 2016, a modified PSI 12 was released 3 consecutive years by the French national authority for health (HAS) to 740 HCOs. It measures in-hospital coded thromboembolic events (TEE, being either deep vein thrombosis- DVT or pulmonary embolism–PE) in adult patients undergoing THA or TKA.


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